Talking Your Way to the Top
Learn the secrets of Potent presentation from the leadership sage and keynote speaker anointed "hands down winner" by the Financial Times.
John Wareham knows all about nervousness. He overcame a debilitating stutter to become national public speaking champion and top international lecturer.
In this life-changing book he shows how to turn nervous energy to charismatic gold and deliver the presentation of your life.
¤How to Seem a Supernatural Speaker ¤How to Turn Nervous Energy Into Charismatic Gold ¤10 Steps to a Sublime PowerPoint Presentation ¤How to Give a Glorious Off-the-Cuff Speech ¤How to Become an Omnipotent Advocate ¤How to Seem Blessed with a Wunderkind Mind ¤How to Run a Miraculous Meeting ¤How to Pitch Bewitching Questions ¤How to Overpower Moguls and Deliver Big-Ticket Deals ¤How to Turn a Demonic Delegate Into an Apostle ¤How to Star on Television ¤10 Commandments of Spellbinding Speaking
"John's magic transforms ordinary citizens into inspiring orators—I've seen him do it."
—Mitch Rosenthal, M.D., CEO, Phoenix House
"A secret weapon... tells how to deliver a message that commands respect in any company."
—Lt. General, Jack Klimp U.S. Marine Corps (rtd)
CEO, Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association