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Photo by Apollo, 4 January 2024

"John Wareham has the cool, clear eyes of a seeker of wisdom and truth"-New York Times

John Wareham: leadership consultant, writer, poet, photographer, and podcaster.

Counselor to business leaders on three continents; creator and teacher of transformational programs for prison inmates and gangs. 


Works include:

  • Exorcizing The Donald, a metafictional chroncile of evil, that details the fall of Donald Trump and the rise of Kamala Harris;
  • How to Break Out of Prison, a crossover life-changer targeted to prisoner denizens and 'corporate inmates' trapped in lives they do not want;
  • The President's Therapist and Chancey On Top, metafictional novels exploring the similar dilemmas of duplicitous leadership and illicit love;
  • How to Survive a Bullet to the Heart, an anthology of prisoner poetry;
  • Sonnets for Sinners, poetry for incarcerees inside 'the asylum of forbidden love.'

John is founder and chair of The Eagles Circle Foundation, a New York registered 503c corporation dedicated to developing community leaders from within the prison population.

A Kiwi /American he divides his time between New York and New Zealand, where, during the Covid19 lockdown, he teamed online with graduates of his prison classes to create the Pulitzer Prize nominated podcast series, The Breakout Plan, which now has listeners worldwide in more than 400 cities.

Politically John is a pragmatic progressive, nonaligned with any political party. He has also been a featured guest on CNN, NBC, Court TV, and the BBC.

Biopic by Huanhuan Zhang

After reading John's life-changer, How to Break of Prison, and then his schooldays memoir, Exposed, moviemaker Huanhuan Zhang approached John and sought an on-camera interview. Impressed by the potential, he hired a troupe of professional actors and create a 30 minute biopic. That movie, also titled How to Break Out of Prison, was critically acclaimed, and selected and shown at the Doc-Edge festival. The trailer can be viewed at this link